March 14, 2023

Why humans crave visual feedback in web design

Date published (March 14, 2023)
Category (Marketing, Web)
Read time (5 Minutes)
The author
(Leigh Ericksen)

Want to keep your website visitors happy? Give them the visual feedback they crave - it's like pressing the elevator button and seeing the light turn on!


How Humans Crave Visual Feedback in UI Design on Websites: The Art of Making Buttons Dance!

Welcome to the world of UI design, where it’s all about giving users that sweet, sweet visual feedback. Why? Because let’s face it, we all secretly love seeing buttons dance!

Think about it – when you click a button, what’s the first thing you want to see? Some kind of reaction, right? Maybe the button changes colour or moves a little bit. It’s like hitting a piñata and seeing the candy rain down – you know something’s happening!

But it’s not just about the joy of watching buttons dance. Visual feedback is crucial for making users feel like they’re in control of the website. They want to know that their actions are being received and that everything is working correctly. Plus, visual feedback helps users understand the consequences of their actions. If they click a button and nothing happens, they may get frustrated and assume that the website is broken. But if the button changes colour or a message appears, they’ll feel confident that their action was received.

Visual feedback is also vital for accessibility reasons. Users with disabilities, such as visual impairments or motor disabilities, rely heavily on visual feedback to navigate websites effectively. Providing clear and consistent visual feedback can make a big difference in the usability and accessibility of a website.

So, how can you make buttons dance and give users the visual feedback they crave? Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Use contrasting colours and hover effects to make clickable elements stand out.
  • Add animations, like loading spinners or progress bars, to provide feedback during longer actions.
  • Display success and error messages after form submissions or other actions.
  • Consider using sound or haptic feedback for users with disabilities.

In conclusion, visual feedback is the art of making buttons dance, and it’s an essential aspect of UI design on websites. It provides a sense of control to users and helps them understand the consequences of their actions. It’s also crucial for accessibility, allowing users with disabilities to navigate websites effectively. So, let’s get those buttons dancing and give users the sweet, sweet visual feedback they deserve!