UTM Link Builder

Maximise your marketing insights with our UTM Link Builder. Easily append UTM parameters to URLs for detailed campaign tracking. Begin crafting your custom-tracked URLs today and unlock a deeper understanding of your digital impact.

Generated URL

UTM Parameters Explained

UTM parameters are text codes added to a URL to track important data about website traffic and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. They help identify the sources of traffic and the performance of marketing efforts across digital platforms by providing analytics tools with detailed information on user behavior, such as how they arrived at a website and what campaigns they interacted with.

Recommended UTM Parameters

Source (utm_source) (required)

Employ utm_source to pinpoint the origin, such as a search platform, newsletter, or alternative source. For campaign tracking to function in Google Analytics, your URL must include at least this parameter. Example: utm_source=google

Medium (utm_medium)

Utilise utm_medium to classify the traffic conduit, like email or pay-per-click. Example: utm_medium=ppc

Campaign Name (utm_campaign)

Utilise utm_campaign to denote a particular promotional activity or strategic initiative. Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale

Additional UTM Parameters for Enhanced Tracking Precision

Campaign Terms (utm_term)

Applied to paid search campaigns. Employ utm_term to record the specific keywords associated with an advertisement. Example: utm_term=running+shoes

Campaign Content (utm_content)

Utilised for comparative testing and content-specific advertisements. Use utm_content to distinguish between various advertisements or links leading to the identical URL. Examples: utm_content=logolink or utm_content=textlink